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How to Get Started With Instagram Ads on Facebook

advertise your instagram

Facebook recently started offering Instagram Ads via the Facebook Ad Manager.

Some people expected Instagram to launch their own ad manager, but, with Instagram’s integration into Facebook, this way makes more sense.

Facebook and Instagram Ads don’t work exactly the same way regarding setup, placements, targeting and image requirements for advertise your instagram.

Before we get into how to get started with Instagram Ads, here’s a brief overview of the most prominent Instagram Ads features:

  • Instagram Ads can’t run together with other Facebook Placements in the same ad set. Instagram requires a dedicated Ad Set
  • Instagram has different image requirements than other Facebook ads. The images need to be 1080 x 1080 pixels
  • You can use the same targeting methods as all of your other ad sets
  • You can add Instagram ads only for campaigns that have a click to site or mobile app install as goals

How to Get Started with Advertise Your Instagram

If you haven’t advertised on Instagram before, you will see an announcement like this one in Facebook:

Instagram Ads

The first thing you need to do to get started with Instagram Ads is to link your Instagram account and the Facebook Business Manager.

Here is how to link the accounts:

1. Go to our Business Manager on Facebook

2. Click on Settings

3. Click on Instagram Accounts

4. Link the account using the Instagram username and password

Instagram Ads

There are two limitations that you need to work around with:

  • You can assign Instagram accounts only to an ad account that you have created with the Facebook Power Editor. You cannot assign them to just any ad account in your business manager.
  • Clients need to assign you to their Instagram accounts as partners to enable you to create Instagram campaigns for them

Once the accounts are linked, you can create an Instagram ad set (or campaign if you want to create a dedicated campaign).

How to Create a New Campaign for Instagram Ads:

  1. Open your ad account and create a new campaign. Set it up as a click to website or mobile app install
  2. Create a new ad set and set up the targeting you want to use
  3. Select Instagram as a placement. Everything else will be automatically excluded

Instagram Ads4, Create the ads and select the Instagram account that you want to use

Instagram Ads

In Conclusion

Instagram Ads are easy to set up.

The fact that it is focused on website clicks and app installs makes Instagram Ads attractive to businesses of all sizes. Try Instagram Ads on your best performing ad sets to see if they are a good fit for your business.

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