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Create SalesForce Leads with a Rewards Fuel Contest.

salesforce leads

Now you can build your SalesForce database with a Rewards Fuel contest!  Our latest integration partner Zapier gives you endless options when it comes to creating entry methods,, including building contests that help you gain valuable SalesForce leads.

Zap Salesforce leads


Below is a step by step process on how to get started creating your contest to gain salesforce leads:

  1. Make sure you have your Rewards Fuel account and SalesForce accounts are connected in ZapierConnect Zapier Accounts
  2. Create your contest in Rewards Fuel or save time and copy a previous contest.
  3. In Zapier create a zap selecting Rewards Fuel as the Trigger App

    Select Rewards Fuel Trigger App

  4. Select New Contestant as the trigger

    New Contestant as the trigger

  5. Select SalesForce as the Action App

    Select Salesforce action app

  6. Choose Create Lead as the action

    Create Lead as Action

  7. Select first name, last name, and email address.
    Select Form Fields
  8. Default to contest entry so you can track where this lead came from or add any value that makes sense to you.
    Track Leads
  9. Complete any of the fields you wish to add for this type of lead

You now have a lead building machine for SalesForce using Zapier and Rewards Fuel!

Questions, comments or suggestions send us an email at

Contest Tips:

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