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10 Tips for Running Successful Contests with Rewards Fuel

10 Tips for Running Successful Contests with Rewards Fuel

10 Tips for running successful contests with Rewards Fuel

Contests are a great way to engage your audience and boost your marketing efforts, but there are a few steps to ensure success. For example, with Rewards Fuel you can create and run successful contests on Facebook, Instagram, your website or use our hosted contest page. Here are 10 tips to help you run a successful contest with Rewards Fuel.

1. Choose the Right Entry Methods

Using the right entry methods can help you run a successful contest With Rewards Fuel, you can choose from over 34 different entry methods, such as asking contestants to follow you on Instagram or Twitter to enter, upload a file to enter, subscribe to your newsletter or YouTube channel, visit your Etsy shop, review your Shopify page, download your app to win, and more. Combine as many as you like and don’t forget to include viral share entry, which offers incentive for contestants promoting your giveaway.

2. Use a Responsive Contest Page

In today’s world, having a responsive page is key, so we make sure your contest looks great on any device. Throughout the duration of your giveaway be sure to check your in-depth statistics page; it will show you what devices your contestants are using most, their ages, genders and locations so you can make any changes needed to accurately target your customers.

3. Embed the Contest on Your Website

Often we see contests being run directly on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter, but why leave all that traffic and engagement to Mark and Elon? To run a successful contest we suggest embedding the giveaway directly on your website to help drive traffic to your page while also giving you an SEO boost. Our wordpress plugin is quick and easy to set-up, but if you prefer, you can also run your contest on our hosted contest page.

4. Get Creative with Customization

Rewards Fuel makes it easy to customize your contest with videos, gifs, multiple images, and fonts and colors that fit your brand. Take inspiration from our demo page or get creative by using CSS to design a contest that catches eyes.

5. Utilize Hosted Pages for Contests

As mentioned previously, we suggest running your contest directly on your website, but if that’s not possible, Rewards Fuel offers free hosted contest pages too. Take a quick look at our tutorial on how to create a successful contest, and if you have any questions a quick email to will connect you with our customer service agents.

6. Run Multiple Contests from Multiple Websites

With Rewards Fuel, you are free to run multiple contests from multiple websites. This is a great way to increase engagement and likes, as well as drive traffic to your pages. You can also choose multiple winners; over multiple days and have Rewards Fuel send all your notification emails if you like.

7. Measure and View Stats

With Rewards Fuel, you can easily measure the success of your contest and view detailed statistics. This feature displays valuable demographic and geographic information of all the contestants that have entered your contest. You’ll discover age, gender, location, device used, entry methods used and more.

8. Award Digital and Physical Prizes

With Rewards Fuel, you can reward your contestants with digital and physical prizes. Save time and money on shipping by giving away prizes ranging from gift cards, coupons, e-books, Mp3’s and more.

9. Promotion is key for Running Successful Contests

To run a successful contest with Rewards Fuel be sure to promote it. Collaborate with like minded brands or influencers, use social media and/or paid ads to promote and share your giveaway. Be sure to add our entry method called viral share, which provides incentive for your contestants to spread the word about your giveaway and of course repost it! Check out these 23 Popular Contesting Websites that will Promote your Contest simply by submitting your giveaway to them.

10. Add points to your Entry Methods

When creating your contest, you’ll see the option to add points to your entry methods – we suggest adding lots of them! Adding entry points to your contest is how you add incentive for your contestants to enter multiple times. The more points you assign to an entry method the higher the priority that entry method becomes when contestants are choosing how to enter your contest. Think about entry points being similar to lotto tickets, the more you have the better your odds of winning.


Creating a successful contest with Rewards Fuel doesn’t have to be difficult. As long as you keep these 10 tips in mind, you are sure to create a contest that engages your audience, boosts your marketing efforts, and drives traffic. To learn more about Rewards Fuel and how to get started, visit Rewards Fuel’s Linkedin Page, Rewards Fuel WordPress Plugin,  Rewards Fuel’s Youtube Channel, or email us at Our customers service agents are ready to answer any questions you might have, in fact you can even request a customized contest just for you!


Thanks for reading and happy contesting,





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