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The Phrase that Pays: Listen and Win Contests for Radio or Podcasters

The Phrase that Pays: Listen and Win Contests for Radio or Podcasters

Listen for the ‘phrase that pays’ and be caller #9 to win! We’ve all heard these contests on the radio over the years because they provide a powerful incentive for listeners to tune in to win. Times have changed a lot, but radio stations still need listeners and therefore often run contests very similar to this. That’s why we’ve created a modern version of the ‘listen to win’ contest, the incentive is still the same, ask listeners to listen for the ‘phrase that pays’ but rather than texting or calling to enter, you’re listeners will enter the phrase via your website, thereby creating valuable engagement, increasing traffic and gathering vital listener statistics.

Introducing Listen and Win Contests

Listen for the phrase that pays
Listen for the phrase that pays

Listen and Win contests require your audience to know the phrase that pays from listening to your broadcast. Once they have the phrase they can visit your website (or use our hosted page) to enter it.

After entering the correct phrase your listeners will be entered to win your prize and encouraged to enter again to improve their odds of winning. You have over 30 different entry methods to choose from including asking listeners to follow on Instagram or Facebook, subscribe to your newsletter or YouTube channel, leave a comment on a blog post and more.


Try our Listen and Win demo contest. The phrase that pays is radio

Twitter contests by Rewards Fuel
  • Listen and Win Contests Include:
  • Full contest statistics you can access during or after your contest.
  • Pre-made templates or customize your contest by changing colors, fonts, images or style it with CSS.
  • Send customizable confirmation emails automatically.
  • Responsive design that looks great from mobile to desktop.
  • Schedule your contest start or stop times.
  • Quick and easy set-up with hands-on customer service.
  • Automatic or manual winner picking.
  • Unlimited phrases that pay, use one code or unique codes per person.


  • Creating a Listen and Win contest:
  • Sign in: Visit  and choose ‘create a contest’.  Don’t have an account yet? Sign-up and choose the Promoter Pro plan. 
  • Creating your contest:  From your home screen, choose ‘Listen and Win’ contest, next you’ll be prompted to add a name, description, start/ end dates and the details of your contest prize by adding videos, or images.

    Listen and win contests
    Listen and win contests
  • What it looks like to start a contest

    Create a contest
    Create a contest
  • Add the code(s):  Add the phrase that pays or what you want contestants to submit to enter to win your contest.

    Contest software to create a listen and win contest
    Contest software to create a listen and win contest
  • Choose the number of entries they receive for entering the correct code.
  • Upload your codes
    Upload your codes

    Use a single code to enter
    Use a single code to enter
  • Add additional entry methods: We have over 30 entry methods to choose from, including SoundCloud, Spotify, Snapchat, YouTube, entry and many more.

We’ve been fortunate to work with some great Radio Stations and Podcasters

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Colorado Public Radio

Questions or comments? Shoot us an email at

How Student Price Card gained over 39,000 contest entries, boosted app installs and gained thousands of social media followers.  

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